12th case of COVID-19 announced
June 12, 2020
Sheila Harris
The Barry County Health Department is reporting a twelfth case of COVID-19. This active case of COVID-19 is a
result of community spread, and is not believed to be related to recent positive tests in a local processing
The individual is now under an isolation order and a disease investigation is underway. Close contacts will be
notified and, as appropriate, ordered to quarantine. The Barry County Health Department staff monitor all persons
under an isolation or quarantine order daily.
Barry County Officials noted that as we move toward Phase 2 of the Reopening, the best way to prevent
community spread COVID-19 is to wear a cloth face covering, maintain a physical distance of 6’, avoid groups of
greater than 10 people, and wash hands often.
Roger Brock, Administrator of the Barry County Health Department, reminded residents the symptoms of
COVID-19 include fever, cough, shortness of breath or at least two of the following: fever, chills, repeated shaking
with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell. Symptoms may begin two days to
two weeks after exposure. Your physician can order testing or you can call the Barry County Health Department at
417-847-2114 to discuss the availability of rapid testing.
State of Missouri Emergency and Barry County Phase 1 Reopening rules remain in effect until June 15, 2020. Those
rules include physical distancing requirements, required source control masking for certain service providers, and
enhanced hygiene practices.
Persons at a higher risk of serious illness from COVID-19 including those greater 65
years of age, who are immuno-compromised or have chronic medical conditions should limit travel and wear a
cloth face covering in public. (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/need-extra-precautions/groups-athigher-
Sheila Harris
The Barry County Health Department is reporting a twelfth case of COVID-19. This active case of COVID-19 is a
result of community spread, and is not believed to be related to recent positive tests in a local processing
The individual is now under an isolation order and a disease investigation is underway. Close contacts will be
notified and, as appropriate, ordered to quarantine. The Barry County Health Department staff monitor all persons
under an isolation or quarantine order daily.
Barry County Officials noted that as we move toward Phase 2 of the Reopening, the best way to prevent
community spread COVID-19 is to wear a cloth face covering, maintain a physical distance of 6’, avoid groups of
greater than 10 people, and wash hands often.
Roger Brock, Administrator of the Barry County Health Department, reminded residents the symptoms of
COVID-19 include fever, cough, shortness of breath or at least two of the following: fever, chills, repeated shaking
with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell. Symptoms may begin two days to
two weeks after exposure. Your physician can order testing or you can call the Barry County Health Department at
417-847-2114 to discuss the availability of rapid testing.
State of Missouri Emergency and Barry County Phase 1 Reopening rules remain in effect until June 15, 2020. Those
rules include physical distancing requirements, required source control masking for certain service providers, and
enhanced hygiene practices.
Persons at a higher risk of serious illness from COVID-19 including those greater 65
years of age, who are immuno-compromised or have chronic medical conditions should limit travel and wear a
cloth face covering in public. (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/need-extra-precautions/groups-athigher-