Barry County Phase 2 reopening rules
June 12, 2020
Sheila Harris
The Barry County Commission and the Barry County Health Department as a part of the Barry County Phase
2 Reopening plan and Governor Parson’s Show-Me Strong Recovery plan are announcing these rules for the
reopening of all businesses in Barry County. The orders and rules are in effect from June 16 through June 30,
The current Barry County Public Health Emergency Declaration is set to expire on June 30.
“Unless the current situation changes there is no plan to renew the declaration," Barry County
Health Department Administrator, Roger Brock stated.
David Compton, Director of Barry County Office of Emergency Management said
the Barry County Disaster Declaration would remain in effect to allow for continued response and recovery
from the COVID-19 emergency.
The rules are intended to allow Barry County businesses to return to mostly unrestricted operations.
Businesses will have to continue enhanced hygiene practices by ensuring frequently touched surfaces are
cleaned frequently.
This order recommends that individuals and/or businesses maintain physical distancing source control
masking requirements in certain circumstances. It is strongly recommended that persons at a higher risk of
serious illness from COVID-19, including those greater 65 years of age, who are immuno-compromised, or have
chronic medical conditions, should limit travel and wear a cloth face covering in public.
“Wearing a face covering is intended to protect those around you," Administrator Brock reminds citizens. "Face
coverings are primarily intended to prevent those who may be infected with COVID, but have no symptoms,
from spreading the disease to others."
In an effort to protect customers, individuals may request a service provider, who will be within 6’, to wear a cloth face covering during their interaction. Citizens are encouraged to wear reusable and launderable cloth masks when in public places, cover your cough, practice physical distancing, clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, and frequently wash hands.
“These rules represent a move to make prevention of COVID-19 a matter of personal
responsibility," Director Compton said.
County Officials will continue to monitor the situation closely and, as necessary take additional
actions, but each person must be responsible for their part in reducing the risk of additional cases of COVID-19.
The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services is operating a hotline for residents and health care
providers to call for information and guidance about COVID-19.The statewide hotline number is 877-435-
8411. The hotline is being operated by medical professionals and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Sheila Harris
The Barry County Commission and the Barry County Health Department as a part of the Barry County Phase
2 Reopening plan and Governor Parson’s Show-Me Strong Recovery plan are announcing these rules for the
reopening of all businesses in Barry County. The orders and rules are in effect from June 16 through June 30,
The current Barry County Public Health Emergency Declaration is set to expire on June 30.
“Unless the current situation changes there is no plan to renew the declaration," Barry County
Health Department Administrator, Roger Brock stated.
David Compton, Director of Barry County Office of Emergency Management said
the Barry County Disaster Declaration would remain in effect to allow for continued response and recovery
from the COVID-19 emergency.
The rules are intended to allow Barry County businesses to return to mostly unrestricted operations.
Businesses will have to continue enhanced hygiene practices by ensuring frequently touched surfaces are
cleaned frequently.
This order recommends that individuals and/or businesses maintain physical distancing source control
masking requirements in certain circumstances. It is strongly recommended that persons at a higher risk of
serious illness from COVID-19, including those greater 65 years of age, who are immuno-compromised, or have
chronic medical conditions, should limit travel and wear a cloth face covering in public.
“Wearing a face covering is intended to protect those around you," Administrator Brock reminds citizens. "Face
coverings are primarily intended to prevent those who may be infected with COVID, but have no symptoms,
from spreading the disease to others."
In an effort to protect customers, individuals may request a service provider, who will be within 6’, to wear a cloth face covering during their interaction. Citizens are encouraged to wear reusable and launderable cloth masks when in public places, cover your cough, practice physical distancing, clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, and frequently wash hands.
“These rules represent a move to make prevention of COVID-19 a matter of personal
responsibility," Director Compton said.
County Officials will continue to monitor the situation closely and, as necessary take additional
actions, but each person must be responsible for their part in reducing the risk of additional cases of COVID-19.
The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services is operating a hotline for residents and health care
providers to call for information and guidance about COVID-19.The statewide hotline number is 877-435-
8411. The hotline is being operated by medical professionals and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.