Barry Electric meeting to look different this year
August 12, 2020
The 73rd Annual Meeting of the Barry Electric Cooperative’s Membership will take on a different form this year.
In an effort to minimize contact and maintain social distancing, the actual meeting will involve limited attendance. It will be held Thursday, August 20, 2020, at 2:30 pm to take action upon the following matters:
1. The report of officers, directors and committees.
2. The election of three directors of the cooperative.
3. All other business that may come before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.
The meeting will be recorded and published at and on social media.
Registration and voting will take place in the parking lot of Barry Electric Cooperative, 4015 Main Street, Cassville, beginning Thursday, August 13 at 7:30 a.m. and continue through Thursday, August 20 at 2:00 p.m., during normal business hours.
Members are encouraged to come out and vote. A BEC representative will meet the member at their vehicle in the parking lot to register. At the time of registration, the member will receive a ballot, a meeting program (including the financial statements and minutes from the 2019 meeting) and a thank you gift for attending. Members will also be entered into our door prize drawing at that time. Completed ballots will be deposited into the BEC drop box by each member and collected by BEC employees each day.
Drawings for door prizes will be held during the meeting; winners will be contacted directly by BEC personnel.
Each registered member will receive a $10 credit that will be reflected on their September billing statement.
Barry Electric would like to say thank you to their members, the Board of Directors and the staff of Barry Electric Cooperative for their hard work and flexibility during these difficult times. They want to assure members that their locally-owned electric cooperative is always here to serve the needs of the community.
In an effort to minimize contact and maintain social distancing, the actual meeting will involve limited attendance. It will be held Thursday, August 20, 2020, at 2:30 pm to take action upon the following matters:
1. The report of officers, directors and committees.
2. The election of three directors of the cooperative.
3. All other business that may come before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.
The meeting will be recorded and published at and on social media.
Registration and voting will take place in the parking lot of Barry Electric Cooperative, 4015 Main Street, Cassville, beginning Thursday, August 13 at 7:30 a.m. and continue through Thursday, August 20 at 2:00 p.m., during normal business hours.
Members are encouraged to come out and vote. A BEC representative will meet the member at their vehicle in the parking lot to register. At the time of registration, the member will receive a ballot, a meeting program (including the financial statements and minutes from the 2019 meeting) and a thank you gift for attending. Members will also be entered into our door prize drawing at that time. Completed ballots will be deposited into the BEC drop box by each member and collected by BEC employees each day.
Drawings for door prizes will be held during the meeting; winners will be contacted directly by BEC personnel.
Each registered member will receive a $10 credit that will be reflected on their September billing statement.
Barry Electric would like to say thank you to their members, the Board of Directors and the staff of Barry Electric Cooperative for their hard work and flexibility during these difficult times. They want to assure members that their locally-owned electric cooperative is always here to serve the needs of the community.