Candidacy filing open for county offices
March 4, 2020
Jill LeCompte, Barry County Clerk, reminds those who wish to file for a County Office that the first day to file was Tuesday, February 25, 2020. For the first day only, a random number will be selected to determine placement on the primary ballot, per 115.395.2 RSMo Supp. Candidates will draw a number after they have provided the documents required for filing. The number drawn will appear on the declaration of candidacy. After the first day, order of filing will determine placement on the primary ballot, per 115.395.2, RSMo Supp.
No declaration of candidacy for nomination in a primary election shall be accepted for filing prior to 8 a.m. on the last Tuesday in February immediately preceding the primary election. Any candidate filing on the first day should be in the County Clerk’s Office no later than 3:30 p.m., in order to complete all the required forms before the 4:00 p.m. closing time. No declaration of candidacy will be accepted after the 5:00 p.m. deadline on the last Tuesday of March.
Also, all candidates will be required to file a Personal Financial Disclosure Statement with the Ethics Commission. The deadline is fourteen (14) days from the closing date (March 27) of filing for candidacy. Your Personal Financial Disclosure Statement must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on the fourteenth day following the closing date for filing for candidacy, or postmarked the day previous to the deadline to be considered timely filed. The time period covered by the statement should be the twelve months previous to the closing date for filing for candidacy.
Candidates are required to file a Candidate’s Affidavit of Tax Payments prior to filing for County Office. The form is available in our office or online at. At time of filing, the candidate must present a copy of completed and notarized Affidavit. Candidates are not eligible to file for County Office until they provide us with a copy of the completed and notarized Affidavit. If a Candidate is filing for either Collector or Treasurer, they must provide a signed affidavit from a bonding agency stating that they are bondable, (HCS/HB 235).
Candidates filing for a County Office will be required to submit a $50.00 filing fee or a receipt for $50.00 from the Party Treasurer.
Jill LeCompte, Barry County Clerk, reminds those who wish to file for a County Office that the first day to file was Tuesday, February 25, 2020. For the first day only, a random number will be selected to determine placement on the primary ballot, per 115.395.2 RSMo Supp. Candidates will draw a number after they have provided the documents required for filing. The number drawn will appear on the declaration of candidacy. After the first day, order of filing will determine placement on the primary ballot, per 115.395.2, RSMo Supp.
No declaration of candidacy for nomination in a primary election shall be accepted for filing prior to 8 a.m. on the last Tuesday in February immediately preceding the primary election. Any candidate filing on the first day should be in the County Clerk’s Office no later than 3:30 p.m., in order to complete all the required forms before the 4:00 p.m. closing time. No declaration of candidacy will be accepted after the 5:00 p.m. deadline on the last Tuesday of March.
Also, all candidates will be required to file a Personal Financial Disclosure Statement with the Ethics Commission. The deadline is fourteen (14) days from the closing date (March 27) of filing for candidacy. Your Personal Financial Disclosure Statement must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on the fourteenth day following the closing date for filing for candidacy, or postmarked the day previous to the deadline to be considered timely filed. The time period covered by the statement should be the twelve months previous to the closing date for filing for candidacy.
Candidates are required to file a Candidate’s Affidavit of Tax Payments prior to filing for County Office. The form is available in our office or online at. At time of filing, the candidate must present a copy of completed and notarized Affidavit. Candidates are not eligible to file for County Office until they provide us with a copy of the completed and notarized Affidavit. If a Candidate is filing for either Collector or Treasurer, they must provide a signed affidavit from a bonding agency stating that they are bondable, (HCS/HB 235).
Candidates filing for a County Office will be required to submit a $50.00 filing fee or a receipt for $50.00 from the Party Treasurer.