Championship Flight Winners:, First Place, Tisha Trotter, Financial Advisor at Morgan Stanley. Score, 55. Team members included: Don Trotter, Tisha Sumners Trotter, Josh Fronabarger and Clayton Larson.
Coach’s Directory Championship Flight Second Place. Score, 58. Team members included: Jennifer “Prisk” Mann, Ashley Garner, Dylan Garner and Casey Crass.
John A Lewright Attorney. A Flight Third Place Winners. Score, 65: Josh Lewright, Chris Smith, Vaughn Smith and Cody Frana.
Arning Companies Inc., First Place A-Flight. Score, 65: Randy Stockton, Kenyon Atkinson, Angie Edie and Ryan Stockton.
Cassville United Methodist Church Championship Flight Third Place. Score of 58: Susie Jacobs, Dennis Ledgerwood, Ron Richardson and Les Lyons.