Cassville FBLA Wins State Events,
Moves on to Nationals "Virtually"
June 9
Although this school year has been pretty far from normal, one thing remained consistent with years past for the FBLA members of Cassville High. CHS FBLA members were allowed to compete and obtain great success at the Missouri State FBLA competition, which has been a long tradition for Cassville FBLA. Several students will now move on to compete in the National FBLA Leadership Conference being held virtually in June of 2021. Front row State Winner and National Qualifiers are Olivia Holman, Cole O’Neill, Zane Mebruer, Gavin Moore, and Jacob Martinez. Back row State Winners Kyah Saffold, Madison Halterman, Emerson Grossman, Dylan Berndt, Mitchell Schmidt, Evan Foulke, Hope Manning, and Jayden Bowman.