Cassville's Teacher of the Year for Primary/Intermediate was Michelle Ramaeker. Raemaker (right) is pictured with elementary principal Catherine Weaver.
Cassville's Young Educator of the Year was Courtney Beagle. Beagle (left) is pictured with elementary principal Catherine Weaver.
The Teacher of the Year for the Middle/High School was Mandy Boone. Boone (left) is pictured with high school principal Keith Robertson.
Cassville's Quarter Century Club is pictured above, from left to right: Catherine Weaver and Leisa Lasley. Not pictured: Janice Allen.
Lori Wilks was named Classified Employee of the Year. Wilks (left) is pictured elementary principal Catherine Weaver.
Cassville Schools' 2019 retirees are pictured, from left to right: Melody Phillips, Tim Blankenship, Jennifer Hanson and Janie Siefken. Not pictured: Bill Spinks.