Central Crossing Senior Center offers meals to go
June 24, 2020

The Central Crossing Senior Center may be closed for day-to-day lunches and activities due to the COVID-19 crisis, but it’s still working to help their senior friends. he lunch-to-go program has volunteers who want to make these stressful times as much fun as possible.
Experience the fun yourselves Monday through Friday from 11 am. to 12:30 p.m. When you come to the Center at 20801 YY-15, Shell Knob, our zany friends await you under the portico. They will take your order for the number of meals (up to 7 per week, per person over the age of 60), then bring them out to your car. The entree also comes with bread, milk and dessert if you so choose. All meals are frozen, ready for you to microwave at home. We are unable to provide you with a choice of meals, but all are delicious and nutritious. If you would like to make a donation for the meals, thank you, but it’s not required. Come to the center soon.
Experience the fun yourselves Monday through Friday from 11 am. to 12:30 p.m. When you come to the Center at 20801 YY-15, Shell Knob, our zany friends await you under the portico. They will take your order for the number of meals (up to 7 per week, per person over the age of 60), then bring them out to your car. The entree also comes with bread, milk and dessert if you so choose. All meals are frozen, ready for you to microwave at home. We are unable to provide you with a choice of meals, but all are delicious and nutritious. If you would like to make a donation for the meals, thank you, but it’s not required. Come to the center soon.