CHS announces 2019 Homecoming court
September 25, 2019

Cassville High School recently announced the 2019 Homecoming court. This year's court includes two freshmen, two sophomores, two juniors and six seniors. Homecoming king queen, prince and princess will be crowned during the Cassville High School Homecoming game on Friday, September 27, at Wildcat Stadium. Coronation is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on the football field if weather allows.
The freshmen class candidates are: Sara Longley, daughter of Leslie Smith, of Cassville, and Kent Longley, of Cassville; and Charles Elliott, son of Benji and Hannah Elliott, of Cassville. The sophomore class candidates are: Sheridan Beach, daughter of Micheal and Teresa Beach, of Cassville; and Pierce Corn, son of Kelly Jackson, of Butterfield. The junior class candidates are: Makayla Harvey, daughter of Brad and Michelle Harvey, of Cassville; and Jericho Farris, son of Betsy Issler, of Cassville. The senior class candidates are: Alexis Mann, daughter of Jennifer and Gerry Mann, of Cassville; Kennedy Parnell, daughter of Lance and Suzy Parnell, of Cassville; Cathrine Edmondson, daughter of Roy and Heather Edmondson, of Cassville; Bowen Preddy, son of Ryan Preddy, of Cassville, and Mary Wilson; Steven Collinwood, son of Leroy and Laura Collinwood, of Exeter; and Jacob Hall, son of Scott and Denise Hall, of Cassville.
The Cassville High School Homecoming Court are pictured above, from left to right, in the front row: Sara Longley, Sheridan Beach, Cathrine Edmondson, Alexis Mann, Kennedy Parnell and Makayla Harvey. Back row: Charles Elliott, Pierce Corn, Jacob Hall, Steven Collinwood, Bowen Preddy and Jericho Farris.