Cruise-in Saturday for a chance to win big

June 10,2015
Shania Stumpff
The Cassville Cruisers is a car club that is a non-profit organization with members within a 75-mile radius of Cassville. The Cassville Cruisers has a goal of trying to be as supportive as they can of local community groups.
Each year, they give away two scholarships to students that attend the Scott Regional Technology Center in Monett and plan on attending college in the welding or automotive field. They also raise funds for other groups, as well.
Larry Daniels, treasurer of the Cassville Cruisers, said, “We encourage everyone to come out and look at some classic cars and enjoy some pickin’ and grinnin’. Our local Boy Scout troop does a great job with the concessions. They serve burgers, hotdogs and soft drinks all at affordable prices.” Anybody who would like to come and play their musical instrument or sing is more than welcome, as well.”
The Cassville Cruisers Jammin’ June Cruise-In is on June 13. The event will start at 5 p.m. and end at dusk. The event is open to the general public and free of charge.
There will be a ‘69 Plymouth Belvedere, 4-door slant 6 automatic that has been donated to the Senior Citizens Center in Cassville by Carroll and Sue Craig. It will be raffled off on June 17 at 12 p.m. at the center.
The money from the raffle will be used to help fund the senior center for general upkeep. To purchase a raffle ticket, you can go to Freedom Bank, Security Bank, First State Bank, or they will be sold at the cruise in on June 13. Tickets are $5 each or five for $20. You do not have to be present to win.
The Cassville Cruiser club members are also going to raffle a Coca-Cola trailer that some of the members have built.
Tickets may be purchased beginning June 9 at the Cassville Cruisers meetings and all of the Cassville Cruisers cruise-ins. Tickets are $1 each or six tickets for $5. The drawing will be held at the Cassville Chili Cook-Off on October 24, 2015. You do not have to be present to win.
Shania Stumpff
The Cassville Cruisers is a car club that is a non-profit organization with members within a 75-mile radius of Cassville. The Cassville Cruisers has a goal of trying to be as supportive as they can of local community groups.
Each year, they give away two scholarships to students that attend the Scott Regional Technology Center in Monett and plan on attending college in the welding or automotive field. They also raise funds for other groups, as well.
Larry Daniels, treasurer of the Cassville Cruisers, said, “We encourage everyone to come out and look at some classic cars and enjoy some pickin’ and grinnin’. Our local Boy Scout troop does a great job with the concessions. They serve burgers, hotdogs and soft drinks all at affordable prices.” Anybody who would like to come and play their musical instrument or sing is more than welcome, as well.”
The Cassville Cruisers Jammin’ June Cruise-In is on June 13. The event will start at 5 p.m. and end at dusk. The event is open to the general public and free of charge.
There will be a ‘69 Plymouth Belvedere, 4-door slant 6 automatic that has been donated to the Senior Citizens Center in Cassville by Carroll and Sue Craig. It will be raffled off on June 17 at 12 p.m. at the center.
The money from the raffle will be used to help fund the senior center for general upkeep. To purchase a raffle ticket, you can go to Freedom Bank, Security Bank, First State Bank, or they will be sold at the cruise in on June 13. Tickets are $5 each or five for $20. You do not have to be present to win.
The Cassville Cruiser club members are also going to raffle a Coca-Cola trailer that some of the members have built.
Tickets may be purchased beginning June 9 at the Cassville Cruisers meetings and all of the Cassville Cruisers cruise-ins. Tickets are $1 each or six tickets for $5. The drawing will be held at the Cassville Chili Cook-Off on October 24, 2015. You do not have to be present to win.