Local student’s design selected for chili cook-off logo
September 10, 2014 Charlea Mills
After the Cassville Chamber of Commerce announced the superhero theme for this year’s famous Chili Cook-Off, Chamber Director Mindi Artherton decided to reach out to the schools for a logo design for their promotional materials and event t-shirts. After Cassville High School students had time to complete their designs, the Chili Cook Off committee voted and selected the design created by senior Kelsey Roney. Artherton originally approached the business teachers at Cassville High, Chelsea Powers and Shelley Henderson, to see if they had students who would be interested in doing the design. Henderson felt that their Advanced Computer Applications would be the best fit. Henderson stated, “We do this kind of thing anyway in this class, but we moved it up to fit with their schedule. The students had ten days to work to submit their final designs.” Nine different students in the class submitted designs for the committee to vote on with two students submitting two designs. Of the 11 to choose from, the committee selected Roney’s as the best fit for this year’s cook-off. Roney said she drew her inspiration from comic books. She said, “Mindi Artherton sent over an idea of what she was looking for, so I took that and knew I wanted to use the Superman symbol, but didn’t want it to be any specific superhero.” Roney plans to attend College of the Ozarks after she graduates in May. This is the second year that the Chili Cook-Off has had a volunteer design an actual logo for an event. Artherton said, “In 2013, we had a volunteer create the logo using the hillbilly image we use for the Hillbilly Golf Tournament. It worked great last year since the theme was “Hillbily Chilli Bash.” Before that, we have not had an event logo. We have had a shirt design, but not an official logo we used on our print material as well as our shirt design.” This year’s superhero-themed Chilli and Salsa Cook Off will be held on Saturday, October 25.