How to Hike with Kids (written from the perspective of a 4 year old boy)
June 12, 2019
We both know that the “enjoyability” of your hike strongly depends on whether or not I’m having a good time. So, please, follow these tips:
1. Snacks. Lots of snacks. Whatever you think is the reasonable amount of snacks for the length of the hike… times that by infinity!
2. A hiking stick that’s just my size. This will entertain me for at least 15 minutes. Then, it might become a make-believe weapon to all kinds of imaginary things, and on rare occasion, a real weapon upon my brother, but it will at least keep my hands busy.
3. Take the estimated hike time and multiply that by a minimum of three. The people that made that estimate must not appreciate deep examination of every rock, stick, leaf and critter, and they obviously don’t stop for snacks (see tip #1).
4. Don’t expect too much from me. I know I have boundless energy every other day of the week, but the different terrain wears me out quicker. Just think how soundly I’ll sleep later!
5. Last but not least, have fun! Being in nature is my most fun place and I’m creating memories.
Jenny Madsen lives in Cassville with her husband, Sam, and their two young boys. They own At The River Consignment on the square in Cassville. In her spare time, Jenny and her family enjoy many outdoor activities, especially hiking and fishing at Roaring River State Park.
We both know that the “enjoyability” of your hike strongly depends on whether or not I’m having a good time. So, please, follow these tips:
1. Snacks. Lots of snacks. Whatever you think is the reasonable amount of snacks for the length of the hike… times that by infinity!
2. A hiking stick that’s just my size. This will entertain me for at least 15 minutes. Then, it might become a make-believe weapon to all kinds of imaginary things, and on rare occasion, a real weapon upon my brother, but it will at least keep my hands busy.
3. Take the estimated hike time and multiply that by a minimum of three. The people that made that estimate must not appreciate deep examination of every rock, stick, leaf and critter, and they obviously don’t stop for snacks (see tip #1).
4. Don’t expect too much from me. I know I have boundless energy every other day of the week, but the different terrain wears me out quicker. Just think how soundly I’ll sleep later!
5. Last but not least, have fun! Being in nature is my most fun place and I’m creating memories.
Jenny Madsen lives in Cassville with her husband, Sam, and their two young boys. They own At The River Consignment on the square in Cassville. In her spare time, Jenny and her family enjoy many outdoor activities, especially hiking and fishing at Roaring River State Park.