Popular Cassville events offered much-needed R&R
10th annual Cruise-in drew muscle-car lovers
Cassville Rodeo brought out the cowboys

June 17, 2020
Sheila Harris
Saturday night, June 13, marked the beginning of the 10th season for the popular Cassville Cruisers Cruise-In, held on the grounds of the Barry County Museum at 15858 State Hwy. 76, Cassville.
According to Larry Daniels, president of Cassville Cruisers Car Club, the organization began ten years ago with ten Cassville classic car owners. The newly formed group then began hosting the Cassville Cruisers Cruise-In, an event which has become a staple for car-owners and aficianados from far beyond Cassville.
“Our plan, in the beginning, was to create a community event, something everyone could come to, relax and enjoy themselves, whether they’re a car owner, or just want to admire or talk about cars,” Daniels said.
That original vision for the cruise-in has more than come to fruition. According to Daniels, the cruise-ins - monthly events typically held from April through November - have seen as many as 125 car entries, with participants and attendees showing up from all over the four-state area.
“We get a lot of car clubs who show up,” Daniels said, “Mopars, Mustangs, Corvettes, all different kinds. One group from northwest Arkansas is at almost every cruise-in we have.”
According to Daniels, the Saturday night event saw a turnout of 75 cars.
“Not bad for the first one of the season,” he said.
The Cruisers typically begin their season the second Saturday in April, but were delayed this year due to the spread of COVID-19.
“We’re getting a late start this year,” Daniels said, “but, looking ahead, we plan to have one the second Saturday of every month through November.
“Because this is our 10th anniversary, we’re planning some special activities,” he continued.
Saturday night’s event boasted music by Cassville resident and 1968 CHS graduate, Darrell Woods, along with his fellow musician, Don Henson, from Holden, who dub themselves the D&D Band, who have been playing music together for 30 years.
Daniels indicated he’d like to have the duo back for an encore performance later in the season.
New at the cruise-in this season was the Cr-ose Cafe food truck, which hungry patrons welcomed, along with drawings for door prizes and one large 50/50 pot, won by a visitor from Bella Vista, Arkansas.
Daniels wants to remind people there’s no charge to attend the cruise-in, and it’s a family-friendly event, with no alcohol on the premises. The museum also opens its doors for use of their restrooms during the evening.
“We’re open to all kinds of car entries,” Daniels said. “Your car doesn’t have to be old. If you’re proud of it, bring it in, show it off and have a good time.”
The next cruise-in is scheduled for July 11 from 4 p.m. until dusk. Free watermelon will be served.
Sheila Harris
Saturday night, June 13, marked the beginning of the 10th season for the popular Cassville Cruisers Cruise-In, held on the grounds of the Barry County Museum at 15858 State Hwy. 76, Cassville.
According to Larry Daniels, president of Cassville Cruisers Car Club, the organization began ten years ago with ten Cassville classic car owners. The newly formed group then began hosting the Cassville Cruisers Cruise-In, an event which has become a staple for car-owners and aficianados from far beyond Cassville.
“Our plan, in the beginning, was to create a community event, something everyone could come to, relax and enjoy themselves, whether they’re a car owner, or just want to admire or talk about cars,” Daniels said.
That original vision for the cruise-in has more than come to fruition. According to Daniels, the cruise-ins - monthly events typically held from April through November - have seen as many as 125 car entries, with participants and attendees showing up from all over the four-state area.
“We get a lot of car clubs who show up,” Daniels said, “Mopars, Mustangs, Corvettes, all different kinds. One group from northwest Arkansas is at almost every cruise-in we have.”
According to Daniels, the Saturday night event saw a turnout of 75 cars.
“Not bad for the first one of the season,” he said.
The Cruisers typically begin their season the second Saturday in April, but were delayed this year due to the spread of COVID-19.
“We’re getting a late start this year,” Daniels said, “but, looking ahead, we plan to have one the second Saturday of every month through November.
“Because this is our 10th anniversary, we’re planning some special activities,” he continued.
Saturday night’s event boasted music by Cassville resident and 1968 CHS graduate, Darrell Woods, along with his fellow musician, Don Henson, from Holden, who dub themselves the D&D Band, who have been playing music together for 30 years.
Daniels indicated he’d like to have the duo back for an encore performance later in the season.
New at the cruise-in this season was the Cr-ose Cafe food truck, which hungry patrons welcomed, along with drawings for door prizes and one large 50/50 pot, won by a visitor from Bella Vista, Arkansas.
Daniels wants to remind people there’s no charge to attend the cruise-in, and it’s a family-friendly event, with no alcohol on the premises. The museum also opens its doors for use of their restrooms during the evening.
“We’re open to all kinds of car entries,” Daniels said. “Your car doesn’t have to be old. If you’re proud of it, bring it in, show it off and have a good time.”
The next cruise-in is scheduled for July 11 from 4 p.m. until dusk. Free watermelon will be served.