Putting the SUPER in superintendent: Purdy’s Mindi Gates preps for back to school

August 7, 2019
Charlea Estes-Jones
With the start of a new school year just a few short days away, all of the area schools are finishing up the preparations for students to return. For one Barry County school, a district leadership change means a shift for the school and a fresh outlook on the school year.
Mindi Gates, new superintendent at Purdy R-II School District, is in a new seat, but she's ready to connect with students, families and staff just like she has in the past. She said she's ready to start kids off on a good note with a high five and a smile just like she's done in the years before.
Gates took over as superintendent on July 1 after Dr. Steven Chancellor left for another district. Gates said back to school is a little different as a superintendent, but she's planning on keeping some of the same routines to keep her connected with staff and students.
She said, "Last year, one thing that I started out of need was volunteering to stand at the central office door to greet kids in the morning when they got to school. We tried to make sure an adult was at every entrance greeting kids in the morning.
"I look forward to continuing that as superintendent. Being there is important to me, and it was often the best part of my day. I greet kids with a smile, wave to the parents dropping them off, and give students a big high five as they come in."
Gates said that connection is a big part of what sets Purdy apart from a lot of school districts. Students of all ages recognize all of the leadership within the school and get to know them, and leadership gets to know each student, as well.
She said, "With the importance of relationships and the community feel of our district, it's important for me to be in the hallways and pop into classrooms and be visible and talking to students and teachers. It's something I've always done and plan to continue doing."
With her role switching from assistant superintendent to superintendent, some of Gates' duties changed, obviously. She said thinking about things in a different way is a challenge, but it doesn't distract from her excitement about back to school time for both staff and students alike. She explained, "I'm looking forward to getting kids in the building. The kids and the teachers are the reason we do what we do and why we are here. Summer is nice because you can get a lot done in terms of cleaning and maintenance, but I'm excited to have kids in the school and build those relationships with students and staff and families of Purdy.
"I think stepping into the superintendent role, there are things that superintendents do to prepare for back to school that had never been on my radar before in my old position. Before, I was focused more on teaching and learning and the in-service for getting staff back and getting things going. Those things are still a huge part of my thinking, and those things are still on my plate as part of my job, but now there are also new things like capital projects and finances that require time and thought."
Purdy's first day of school is on Tuesday, August 13, but teachers and administrators are already on site getting revved up for students to return.
Gates said a lot of the focus going on for the teachers' in-service days are team-building and getting everyone on page with district-wide efforts. Purdy School District staff have a team mind set when it comes to working together, and the administrators take the days counting down to students' first day to reinforce those relationships.
Gates said, "On our in-service days, we do have our principals take time for district-team building activities. It's not by building, it's by district. We want everyone to interact with each other and come together as a team."
Part of that, Gates mentioned, is looking at the district's mission statement and how that ties into the team effort. She said, "We've been taking a look at our mission statement and vision as a district and also what are our personal mission statements are."
Purdy staff write down their personal mission statements as part of these exercises. Gates said, "We talk about how our personal mission statements tie in with our learning team mission statements and also how they tie into our district mission statements. Principals will continue that through this year, as well."
While Gates said she is hoping to lead the district team in the footsteps of her predecessor, Dr. Chancellor, she is adding a few things that she hopes make a positive impact on the students. She's decided to go a quarterly senior seminar class that she will be leading to help get graduates ready for life after high school.
She explained, "This will be a time for me to get to know seniors graduating this school year and also have conversations with them about the transition of leaving school and entering the workforce or entering college.
"We are always looking for ways to build those relationships with students and staff and families because that's what sets Purdy apart from many other schools."
A similar program will be implemented by the building principal and assistant principal at the high school for incoming freshmen.
Gates said, "I've encouraged our high school principal and vice principal to do something similar with our ninth grade students. We want to let them know some things about the transition from a middle school mind-set to a high school mind set."
Gates and the rest of the staff are excited about some things remaining the same and changing up some things, as well. As the clock ticks down to back to school, Gates and the rest of Purdy Schools is revved up and ready to get students back through the doors.
Gates, a proud Purdy Eagle getting into the swing of her new position, said, "I am most excited about my new position and the opportunity to lead and work with the great staff that we have."
Charlea Estes-Jones
With the start of a new school year just a few short days away, all of the area schools are finishing up the preparations for students to return. For one Barry County school, a district leadership change means a shift for the school and a fresh outlook on the school year.
Mindi Gates, new superintendent at Purdy R-II School District, is in a new seat, but she's ready to connect with students, families and staff just like she has in the past. She said she's ready to start kids off on a good note with a high five and a smile just like she's done in the years before.
Gates took over as superintendent on July 1 after Dr. Steven Chancellor left for another district. Gates said back to school is a little different as a superintendent, but she's planning on keeping some of the same routines to keep her connected with staff and students.
She said, "Last year, one thing that I started out of need was volunteering to stand at the central office door to greet kids in the morning when they got to school. We tried to make sure an adult was at every entrance greeting kids in the morning.
"I look forward to continuing that as superintendent. Being there is important to me, and it was often the best part of my day. I greet kids with a smile, wave to the parents dropping them off, and give students a big high five as they come in."
Gates said that connection is a big part of what sets Purdy apart from a lot of school districts. Students of all ages recognize all of the leadership within the school and get to know them, and leadership gets to know each student, as well.
She said, "With the importance of relationships and the community feel of our district, it's important for me to be in the hallways and pop into classrooms and be visible and talking to students and teachers. It's something I've always done and plan to continue doing."
With her role switching from assistant superintendent to superintendent, some of Gates' duties changed, obviously. She said thinking about things in a different way is a challenge, but it doesn't distract from her excitement about back to school time for both staff and students alike. She explained, "I'm looking forward to getting kids in the building. The kids and the teachers are the reason we do what we do and why we are here. Summer is nice because you can get a lot done in terms of cleaning and maintenance, but I'm excited to have kids in the school and build those relationships with students and staff and families of Purdy.
"I think stepping into the superintendent role, there are things that superintendents do to prepare for back to school that had never been on my radar before in my old position. Before, I was focused more on teaching and learning and the in-service for getting staff back and getting things going. Those things are still a huge part of my thinking, and those things are still on my plate as part of my job, but now there are also new things like capital projects and finances that require time and thought."
Purdy's first day of school is on Tuesday, August 13, but teachers and administrators are already on site getting revved up for students to return.
Gates said a lot of the focus going on for the teachers' in-service days are team-building and getting everyone on page with district-wide efforts. Purdy School District staff have a team mind set when it comes to working together, and the administrators take the days counting down to students' first day to reinforce those relationships.
Gates said, "On our in-service days, we do have our principals take time for district-team building activities. It's not by building, it's by district. We want everyone to interact with each other and come together as a team."
Part of that, Gates mentioned, is looking at the district's mission statement and how that ties into the team effort. She said, "We've been taking a look at our mission statement and vision as a district and also what are our personal mission statements are."
Purdy staff write down their personal mission statements as part of these exercises. Gates said, "We talk about how our personal mission statements tie in with our learning team mission statements and also how they tie into our district mission statements. Principals will continue that through this year, as well."
While Gates said she is hoping to lead the district team in the footsteps of her predecessor, Dr. Chancellor, she is adding a few things that she hopes make a positive impact on the students. She's decided to go a quarterly senior seminar class that she will be leading to help get graduates ready for life after high school.
She explained, "This will be a time for me to get to know seniors graduating this school year and also have conversations with them about the transition of leaving school and entering the workforce or entering college.
"We are always looking for ways to build those relationships with students and staff and families because that's what sets Purdy apart from many other schools."
A similar program will be implemented by the building principal and assistant principal at the high school for incoming freshmen.
Gates said, "I've encouraged our high school principal and vice principal to do something similar with our ninth grade students. We want to let them know some things about the transition from a middle school mind-set to a high school mind set."
Gates and the rest of the staff are excited about some things remaining the same and changing up some things, as well. As the clock ticks down to back to school, Gates and the rest of Purdy Schools is revved up and ready to get students back through the doors.
Gates, a proud Purdy Eagle getting into the swing of her new position, said, "I am most excited about my new position and the opportunity to lead and work with the great staff that we have."