The Barry County Advertiser welcomes new
editor and reporter
April 1, 2020
Editor, Reporter,
Sheila Harris Caden Swearigen
Sheila Harris Caden Swearigen
I’ll be honest. I have mixed emotions about taking on this position of editor.
On one hand, I’m thrilled. I’m grateful for the chance to do my favorite thing: tell people’s stories, tell your stories. On the other hand, I’m terrified. I knew full well I’d be in over my head when I accepted this job, but I also knew it would provide me with a great learning opportunity. So, here I am, up to my neck, treading water wildly, and getting a paid education. My dad asked, “You do realize, don’t you, you’ll sometimes have to write about things that don’t interest you?” His words gave me pause for consideration, but then I thought of crack reporter, Murray Bishoff, of The Monett Times, who once told me he eventually became interested in topics and events after writing about them often enough. Words of wisdom from one who wore shoes out to prove them! I’m looking forward to getting to know more people in the community after social-distancing becomes a thing of the past, whenever that might be. For the time being, here’s a short introduction: I’ve lived in Barry County for 47 years, long enough to know it would be difficult to leave it. It has me by the heart. The regimented cornfields of my native state of Iowa can’t compare to the glorious disorder of the wooded hills and rippling creeks of southwest Missouri. Besides, I’ve got people here, including a baby granddaughter. With her birth in November, I learned the meaning of “Unto us a child is born.” That single, simple sentence describes not just an event, but an all-encompassing emotion. She’s a breath of fresh air in my world. A gift. In addition to this little smidget, I have two adult children and an almost-adult grandson. My interests are constantly evolving. This year’s focal point – so far – is Barry County’s Civil War history, which, for some reason, I was oblivious to until recently. Now, I’m consumed with retracing its pages. My hope is to share a few tidbits as time permits. My prayer is that we all survive COVID-19. Be safe. - Sheila |
I'm very excited about my new journey at the Barry County Advertiser.
I've owned my own photography business, CS Photography, specializing in infant and senior portraiture, for five years. I'm 19 years old, a native of Cassville, and the son of Gary and Sara Swearingen of Cassville. I graduated from Cassville High School in 2018. I have always loved photography and writing. When this position became available, I took the opportunity and applied. I was hired on at the Advertiser in the beginning of February. One of my main goals for my position is to capture the greatness of the county and the people who make it great. |