Use tax continues for county, Cassville
April 6, 2016
Charlea Estes
In Tuesday’s general Municipal Election, 15.7 percent of Barry County voters turned out to the polls to vote on three different tax initiatives that impact Barry County as a whole and the City of Cassville. Voters voted to continue use taxes on out-of-state vehicle purchases and the 1/2-cent county-wide road tax.
For the county-wide use tax, 55 percent of voters were in favor of continuing to allow the county to collect tax on vehicles purchased out of state. Proponents of the measure said that it harms local dealerships if people know they can get cheaper vehicles by driving across state lines and avoiding the sales tax. The State of Missouri already collects a use tax, but both county and city governments who wished to continue to collect the tax had to put the issue before voters.
The City of Cassville’s use tax also passed. The voters were in favor of the vote 56 percent with the total 388 to 216.
Barry County’s 1/2 cent road tax that provides dedicated funding for roads and bridges was also on the ballot for renewal. Voters favored the tax by 74 percent with 2,324 voters in favor and only 824 opposed.
Twelve of the county’s road districts had property tax levies up for renewal to continue funding. All road districts with levies on the ballot will continue to collect funds for road maintenance. Most districts passed with large majorities. Districts continuing tax levies are: Ash, Butterfield, Corsicana, Flat Creek, Greasy Creek, Kings Prairie, Mineral Springs, Ozark, Pioneer, Pleasant Ridge, Purdy and Wheaton.
Charlea Estes
In Tuesday’s general Municipal Election, 15.7 percent of Barry County voters turned out to the polls to vote on three different tax initiatives that impact Barry County as a whole and the City of Cassville. Voters voted to continue use taxes on out-of-state vehicle purchases and the 1/2-cent county-wide road tax.
For the county-wide use tax, 55 percent of voters were in favor of continuing to allow the county to collect tax on vehicles purchased out of state. Proponents of the measure said that it harms local dealerships if people know they can get cheaper vehicles by driving across state lines and avoiding the sales tax. The State of Missouri already collects a use tax, but both county and city governments who wished to continue to collect the tax had to put the issue before voters.
The City of Cassville’s use tax also passed. The voters were in favor of the vote 56 percent with the total 388 to 216.
Barry County’s 1/2 cent road tax that provides dedicated funding for roads and bridges was also on the ballot for renewal. Voters favored the tax by 74 percent with 2,324 voters in favor and only 824 opposed.
Twelve of the county’s road districts had property tax levies up for renewal to continue funding. All road districts with levies on the ballot will continue to collect funds for road maintenance. Most districts passed with large majorities. Districts continuing tax levies are: Ash, Butterfield, Corsicana, Flat Creek, Greasy Creek, Kings Prairie, Mineral Springs, Ozark, Pioneer, Pleasant Ridge, Purdy and Wheaton.