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Adriana Keeton
Barry County Advertiser
Commissioners issue
county wide burn ban
By Adriana Keeton, [email protected]
October 16, 2024
Barry County Commissioners enacted a county wide burn ban effective October 10, 2024. The order prohibits any outdoor burning on a county wide basis until further notice.
According to the latest report on the U.S. Drought Monitor website, the southern portion of Barry County (54.90% of Barry County) is currently in a D-3 Extreme Drought with the 10-Day forcast showing no precipitation for southwest Missouri. Map: U.S. Drought Monitor
According to the latest report on the U.S. Drought Monitor website, the southern portion of Barry County (54.90% of Barry County) is currently in a D-3 Extreme Drought with the 10-Day forcast showing no precipitation for southwest Missouri. Map: U.S. Drought Monitor