Barry County Youth Camp returns in June
May 5, 2021
The rolling hills of the Mark Twain National Forest missed the wonderful sounds of children laughing and playing last summer due to Covid 19. This year brought new challenges to the Barry County Youth Camp Committee but they have found a way to pull off the 55th year of BCYC after a lot of discussion and work.
Barry County Youth Camp will start June 1, 2021, and go through June 4, 2021, at Roaring River State park. The theme for camp this year is “Summer Olympics,” and Barry County children ages 10 and 11 years old, recommended by their school counselors, will have the opportunity to attend this year. The campers will partake in a variety of activities including crafts, games and more.
Committee members are collecting items for campers including summer clothes, bath towels, twin-sized light weight blankets and more. Monetary donations are also accepted. Those wanting to help who shop may donate to the camp under the charitable donations tab “Barry County Youth Camp.” Items collected locally can be dropped off at Bill Willis’ garage located in Monett at 8th and Broadway or you can contact Sarah Pfitzner-Mindack at 417-236-4779 to make arrangements for drop offs or pickups.
Things at Barry County Youth Camp will be different this year due to Covid-19, CDC guidelines and State of Missouri guidelines. The camp is limited in the number of children they can accept so that they will be in compliance with CDC social distancing guidelines. The camp will be taking temperatures before campers load the bus to travel to camp, as well as a thorough screening upon their arrival. There will be daily temperature checks and any child experiencing symptoms of illness will be sent home. There will be two waivers this year for parents to sign, a Covid-19 waiver and an insurance release.
Barry County Youth Camp staff are as follows: Sarah Pfitzner-Mindack, Camp Director, Nick Steele, Assistant Director, Courtney Pfitzner, RN, Greg Davis, Melvin Casper and Josh Osterloh will be the cooks and Kami Willis and Kim Hall will be in charge of craft projects.
The camp is operated through the donations of local businesses, merchants, civic groups and individuals. No government funding is received by organizers of this event. The four day camp is free to local children. Average cost of one child attending camp is $150.
Monetary contributions to support the camp may be mailed to: BCYC PO Box 254, Monett, MO 65708. To make donations or for more information on the Barry County Youth Camp, you may call Jane James at 417-235-3580.
The rolling hills of the Mark Twain National Forest missed the wonderful sounds of children laughing and playing last summer due to Covid 19. This year brought new challenges to the Barry County Youth Camp Committee but they have found a way to pull off the 55th year of BCYC after a lot of discussion and work.
Barry County Youth Camp will start June 1, 2021, and go through June 4, 2021, at Roaring River State park. The theme for camp this year is “Summer Olympics,” and Barry County children ages 10 and 11 years old, recommended by their school counselors, will have the opportunity to attend this year. The campers will partake in a variety of activities including crafts, games and more.
Committee members are collecting items for campers including summer clothes, bath towels, twin-sized light weight blankets and more. Monetary donations are also accepted. Those wanting to help who shop may donate to the camp under the charitable donations tab “Barry County Youth Camp.” Items collected locally can be dropped off at Bill Willis’ garage located in Monett at 8th and Broadway or you can contact Sarah Pfitzner-Mindack at 417-236-4779 to make arrangements for drop offs or pickups.
Things at Barry County Youth Camp will be different this year due to Covid-19, CDC guidelines and State of Missouri guidelines. The camp is limited in the number of children they can accept so that they will be in compliance with CDC social distancing guidelines. The camp will be taking temperatures before campers load the bus to travel to camp, as well as a thorough screening upon their arrival. There will be daily temperature checks and any child experiencing symptoms of illness will be sent home. There will be two waivers this year for parents to sign, a Covid-19 waiver and an insurance release.
Barry County Youth Camp staff are as follows: Sarah Pfitzner-Mindack, Camp Director, Nick Steele, Assistant Director, Courtney Pfitzner, RN, Greg Davis, Melvin Casper and Josh Osterloh will be the cooks and Kami Willis and Kim Hall will be in charge of craft projects.
The camp is operated through the donations of local businesses, merchants, civic groups and individuals. No government funding is received by organizers of this event. The four day camp is free to local children. Average cost of one child attending camp is $150.
Monetary contributions to support the camp may be mailed to: BCYC PO Box 254, Monett, MO 65708. To make donations or for more information on the Barry County Youth Camp, you may call Jane James at 417-235-3580.