Cassville Intermediate names December Character Kids
March 11, 2020
Cassville Intermediate counseling staff and teachers team up to present a different character trait every month. Classroom teachers then nominate students for awards in recognition of exemplifying that trait. Students were selected during the month of December for integrity.
Third grade award winners are pictured above, from left to right. In the front row: Briston Elkins, Estrella Garcia, Bailey Corter, Lyndsie Vanderhoef, Ana Kristel and Kamille Tucker. Back row: Mat Sanders, Cynthia Alonso, Colton Beebe, Dade Zajac, Kaden Stearns and Colton Brooks.
Cassville Intermediate counseling staff and teachers team up to present a different character trait every month. Classroom teachers then nominate students for awards in recognition of exemplifying that trait. Students were selected during the month of December for integrity.
Fourth grade award winners are pictured above, from left to right. In the front row: Lili Naugle, Preston Parker, Naomi Matthews, Madison Yockey, Shelby Burnette and Shevy Smith. Back row: Daniel Sledden, Grant Varner, Fantasia Cotton, Jordan Weiser, Tanner Thomas and Jarrett Paul.
Cassville Intermediate counseling staff and teachers team up to present a different character trait every month. Classroom teachers then nominate students for awards in recognition of exemplifying that trait. Students were selected during the month of December for integrity.
Fifth grade award winners are pictured above, from left to right. In the front row: Jade Arreola, Amber Davis, Audrey Kennedy, Taylor Yarnall, Leia Crosby and Sadie Koehler. Back row: Kaleb Artherton, Tyller Isbell, Elijah Tilford and Mason Rillstone. Not pictured: Ian Wallace and Hayden Roberts.