CMS names April 2019 Students of the Month
June 12, 2019

Cassville Middle School recently announced the Students of the Month for April 2019. Students are nominated by CMS teachers and coaches based upon academic excellence, perseverance or improvement, displaying exemplary citizenship and are a positive influence on school culture.
The April Cassville Middle School Students of the Month, sponsored by Willis Insurance, are pictured front row in the front row, from left to right: 6th grader Violet Rillstone, daughter of Polly Thompson, of Cassville, and Chris Rillstone, of Rocky Comfort; 7th grader Gracie Harmon, daughter of Roxie Tucker, of Cassville, and Andy Harmon, of Springfield; 8th grader Schylar Bilyeu, son of Travis Meyer, of Cassville; and Annette Henderson and Devon Forysthe, representing Willis Insurance. Back row: Jeremy Marple with Willis Insurance; Jimmie Barton, CMS principal; and Andy Reavis, with Willis Insurance.
Students of the Month receive a candy bar, Cassville Cash, a Sonic gift-card and enjoy lunch at a local restaurant with Mr. Barton.