County Clerk: voter machine issue rumor false
August 6, 2014
Charlea Mills
Following Tuesday’s Primary Election results being read on the County Courthouse steps late last night, rumors brewed about voter machine issues after John Sullivan was said to have mentioned an issue after reading the first results from initial precincts. County Clerk Gary Youngblood says those claims are false. He stated, “The voting machines worked perfectly.”
Youngblood said that the issue referred to was unrelated to the voting machines, but a small problem with the computer his office uses to print the reports for reading the results..
Youngblood explained that when the results are brought in from each of the precincts, each machine is equipped with a memory card that records the votes. He stated, “So we have the memory cards, the tape that prints out from each voting machine with the results that are signed by the Election Judges and the ballots to determine votes from.”
We then upload the results from those memory cards in the machine in Youngblood’s office, the computer used to print the results in a report wasn’t properly connected, making printing difficult. The computer that prints those results is for unofficial purposes, like reading on the courthouse steps and distribution for media, not the official information sent to the State.
Youngblood said, “There wasn’t an issue with any voting machines, just with the computer that prints the reports for the media and for John to read last night.”
Charlea Mills
Following Tuesday’s Primary Election results being read on the County Courthouse steps late last night, rumors brewed about voter machine issues after John Sullivan was said to have mentioned an issue after reading the first results from initial precincts. County Clerk Gary Youngblood says those claims are false. He stated, “The voting machines worked perfectly.”
Youngblood said that the issue referred to was unrelated to the voting machines, but a small problem with the computer his office uses to print the reports for reading the results..
Youngblood explained that when the results are brought in from each of the precincts, each machine is equipped with a memory card that records the votes. He stated, “So we have the memory cards, the tape that prints out from each voting machine with the results that are signed by the Election Judges and the ballots to determine votes from.”
We then upload the results from those memory cards in the machine in Youngblood’s office, the computer used to print the results in a report wasn’t properly connected, making printing difficult. The computer that prints those results is for unofficial purposes, like reading on the courthouse steps and distribution for media, not the official information sent to the State.
Youngblood said, “There wasn’t an issue with any voting machines, just with the computer that prints the reports for the media and for John to read last night.”