Fulp Automotive joins Cassville Chamber
May 29, 2019

On Thursday, May 16, Fulp Automotive, of Cassville, officially joined the Cassville Area Chamber of Commerce. The event was celebrated with food, drink and a ribbon cutting at the new business, located at 1100 Old Highway 37. Fulp Automotive is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. They can be contacted on Facebook or at (417) 665-1290.
In attendance at the ribbon cutting were, from left to right, in the front row: Rachael Freeman, Marty Jenkins, Jim Fulp, Katie Fulp, Sue McDonald holding Bodhi Fulp, Mason Fulp, Randy Essary, Ronald Addison and Mary Addison. Back row: Clara Hermansen, Emily Jackson, Laura Holycross, Kyla Moore, Rick Ragsdale, Traci Mitchell, Wade Hermansen, Steve Slagle, Jon Horner, Chelsi Arnold, Jim Craig, Lindy Lombard, Jeremy Marple, Chad Johnson, Millard Andrews and Kathy Andrews.