Seligman accepts bid for resurfacing project
January 1, 2020
Vinnie Roberts
At a city council meeting on Monday, December 9, the Seligman board of alderman elected to move forward on a major resurfacing project nearly a year in the making.
Since the beginning of this year, the board has been making strides to ensure that a major road in town, Frost Street, receives the repaving that it was targeted for at the beginning of the year. In order to do this, the city has accepted a bid from Hutchens Construction in the amount of $89, 486.75.
According to city clerk Brian Nichols, the repaving is a crucial step in maintaining the road’s drivability. Though the road is drivable in its current condition, given the popularity of the street with commuters, city representatives elected to pursue preventive measures to keep the street from succumbing to erosion.
“It’s general road maintenance,” explained Nichols. “As the roads deteriorate, we need to keep them fresh. That road is heavily travelled. Out of the vast majority of the roads in town, that one sees the most use. So, it makes sense to put some money into keeping it drivable.”
The process for seeking bids for this project began in April, when the board of Aldermen formally passed a resolution to seek bids for the project. According to Nichols, Hutchens was one of the first companies to enter a bid for the project at that time, and has continuously been on the city’s radar since the project began.
Despite receiving bids early into the process, the city opted to continue seeking bids multiple times throughout the year. According to Nichols, this was done in an attempt to ensure that they had a diverse field of bids from which to pick.
“It turned out that a lot of asphalt companies aren’t really interested in this small of a project,” said Nichols.
The project will see the resurfacing of an estimated 3,000 feet of road. According to Nichols, Hutchens will put a two-inch overlay of hot mix asphalt over the existing road, evening out the driving surface and further protecting the road from erosion.
Though the city accepted the bid in the amount of $89,486.75, according the Nichols, there is a chance that recent developments could help to project come in under budget.
“There is a possibility that Hutchens could revert back to the pricing from an earlier bid,” explained Nichols. “The price was raised when Hutchens was planning on moving their Seligman asphalt plant, so there were going to be additional transportation costs. As of right now, we aren’t sure if that is still going to be the case.”
Nichols went on to explain that the city is currently in communications with Hutchens about both the final costs and the time line for the project moving forward. As of this publication, no time line currently exists for when the resurfacing will begin.
For any further information about the Frost Street resurfacing project or any other future projects, contact Seligman City Hall at (417) 662-3600.
Vinnie Roberts
At a city council meeting on Monday, December 9, the Seligman board of alderman elected to move forward on a major resurfacing project nearly a year in the making.
Since the beginning of this year, the board has been making strides to ensure that a major road in town, Frost Street, receives the repaving that it was targeted for at the beginning of the year. In order to do this, the city has accepted a bid from Hutchens Construction in the amount of $89, 486.75.
According to city clerk Brian Nichols, the repaving is a crucial step in maintaining the road’s drivability. Though the road is drivable in its current condition, given the popularity of the street with commuters, city representatives elected to pursue preventive measures to keep the street from succumbing to erosion.
“It’s general road maintenance,” explained Nichols. “As the roads deteriorate, we need to keep them fresh. That road is heavily travelled. Out of the vast majority of the roads in town, that one sees the most use. So, it makes sense to put some money into keeping it drivable.”
The process for seeking bids for this project began in April, when the board of Aldermen formally passed a resolution to seek bids for the project. According to Nichols, Hutchens was one of the first companies to enter a bid for the project at that time, and has continuously been on the city’s radar since the project began.
Despite receiving bids early into the process, the city opted to continue seeking bids multiple times throughout the year. According to Nichols, this was done in an attempt to ensure that they had a diverse field of bids from which to pick.
“It turned out that a lot of asphalt companies aren’t really interested in this small of a project,” said Nichols.
The project will see the resurfacing of an estimated 3,000 feet of road. According to Nichols, Hutchens will put a two-inch overlay of hot mix asphalt over the existing road, evening out the driving surface and further protecting the road from erosion.
Though the city accepted the bid in the amount of $89,486.75, according the Nichols, there is a chance that recent developments could help to project come in under budget.
“There is a possibility that Hutchens could revert back to the pricing from an earlier bid,” explained Nichols. “The price was raised when Hutchens was planning on moving their Seligman asphalt plant, so there were going to be additional transportation costs. As of right now, we aren’t sure if that is still going to be the case.”
Nichols went on to explain that the city is currently in communications with Hutchens about both the final costs and the time line for the project moving forward. As of this publication, no time line currently exists for when the resurfacing will begin.
For any further information about the Frost Street resurfacing project or any other future projects, contact Seligman City Hall at (417) 662-3600.