Wildcat kids get a lesson in show choir with end of season performance
The oldest group of students performing as part of the Show Choir camp were sixth through eighth graders who performed “All Jazzed Up.” The middle schoolers wowed the crowd with their finale stunt pictured above.
The NBA (No Boys Allowed) girls-only Show Choir performed their competition piece which included hits like Mike Chapman’s “Mickey,” Rick Springfield’s “Jessie’s Girl” and Taylor Swift’s “Blank Space.”
The kindergarten and first grade students give a bit of attitude during their special song and dance for the crowd of parents and kids at the FEMA building Monday night. The kids worked for three days after school to get ready for the performance.
Pictured above are, from left to right, in the front: Hallie Hughes and Brendan Flynn. Back: Mace Turner and Anabele Mills.
Centerstage, the co-ed Show Choir, performed their competition piece Monday night, as well. Their piece “Forever Young” included Paul Simon’s “Baby Driver” and “Cats in the Cradle.”
The show Choir seniors shared memories with Mrs. Mary Richmiller over the years and gave her a quilt that included a photo of them. Pictured above, Mrs. Richmiller shares a laugh with senior Kiley Wolf.
April 13, 2016 Charlea Estes As part of their last local performance for the year, the Cassville show choirs got the elementary, intermediate and middle school students involved. Over the past week, the Show Choir members held an after-school camp for three days where they taught kindergarten through eighth graders moves and tunes to different songs for each age group. Students let their hard work shine in a performance on Monday night, April 11, at the FEMA building on campus which included not only the younger students’ pieces, but solos, Show Choir competition pieces, and ensembles from different choir members. The choirs at Cassville are directed by Mrs. Mary Richmiller and Mrs. Leslie McCullough. Kindergartners and first graders performed a special song called “Just For Fun,” second and third graders sang “Born to Make Music”, fourth and fifth graders sang “Get Up, Get Up, Get Up!” and sixth through eighth graders performed “All Jazzed Up.” Cassville’s State ensembles sang their pieces, while the two Show Choirs, NBA (No Boys Allowed) and Centerstage performed their competition pieces to the wide eyes of the younger kids who dedicated the last few days to the camp. Toward the end of the night, the graduating seniors presented Mrs. Richmiller with a parting gift. First, senior Drake Thomas asked the crowd to stand up if Mrs. Richmiller made a difference in their life or someone they knew. Almost the entire crowd was on their feet. Thomas then shared a story of Mrs. Richmiller telling them she wanted a blanket with all of their faces on it, so the seniors made it happen. She was presented with the quilt at the show while seniors shared their memories with teary eyes about the impact she has had in their lives.