Willis Insurance named Silver Business Partner
March 27, 2019

Andy Reavis, co-owner of Willis Insurance, Inc. (which owns Shell Knob Insurance Agency) was presented a plaque recognizing the company as a continued Silver Level Business Partner of the Central Crossing Senior Center (CCSC), located in Shell Knob. The plaque recognizes this level of support for the year 2019. Willis Insurance Agency's generous level of support will go a long way toward improving the day-to-day management of the CCSC. Area seniors benefit greatly from the sponsorship afforded by business partners. People like Andy Reavis and co-owners Annette Henderson and Jeremy Marple are community-minded through their support of Shell Knob Seniors, Inc. Shell Knob Insurance Agency is located in the Bridgeview Plaza next to the library.
Pictured above, from left to right: Sam Herkelman, Chief Operating Officer, Shell Knob Seniors, Inc.; Jerry Arnold, CEO, Shell Knob Seniors, Inc.; and Andy Reavis, co-owner, Willis Insurance, Inc.; Willis Insurance, Inc., Shell Knob Insurance Agency.