Cassville High School announces change in learning schedule
October 15, 2020
Posted by Sheila Harris
COVID-19 positive cases and exposure levels have risen at Cassville High School. Due to both positive cases and quarantine situations, CHS is experiencing an increase in student absences. As a result, effective Monday, October 19, high school students will transition to a blended learning schedule. Please note, this change will take place in the high school only.
What is a blended learning schedule?
The blended learning schedule will reduce the number of students in the building at the same time, thus allowing for smaller class sizes and giving more space for social distancing. Students in grades 9-12 will attend in-person school 2 days a week and will learn virtually 3 days a week.
During the student’s virtual learning days, students will have access to quality teacher instructed curriculum and assignments. Students will still be responsible for their school work five days per week.
How do I know when my student will attend seated school/virtual school?
Students will be divided up into two groups, black group and gold group, based on the student’s last name. Family units will be kept together based on enrollment data.
How long will high school students follow the blended learning schedule?
CHS will transition to blended learning on Monday, October 19. The district will re-evaluate this learning model during the first part of November based on COVID-19 case rates. However, the newly established bell schedule will stay in place for the remainder of this 2020-2021 school year.
For more information, please visit
Posted by Sheila Harris
COVID-19 positive cases and exposure levels have risen at Cassville High School. Due to both positive cases and quarantine situations, CHS is experiencing an increase in student absences. As a result, effective Monday, October 19, high school students will transition to a blended learning schedule. Please note, this change will take place in the high school only.
What is a blended learning schedule?
The blended learning schedule will reduce the number of students in the building at the same time, thus allowing for smaller class sizes and giving more space for social distancing. Students in grades 9-12 will attend in-person school 2 days a week and will learn virtually 3 days a week.
During the student’s virtual learning days, students will have access to quality teacher instructed curriculum and assignments. Students will still be responsible for their school work five days per week.
How do I know when my student will attend seated school/virtual school?
Students will be divided up into two groups, black group and gold group, based on the student’s last name. Family units will be kept together based on enrollment data.
How long will high school students follow the blended learning schedule?
CHS will transition to blended learning on Monday, October 19. The district will re-evaluate this learning model during the first part of November based on COVID-19 case rates. However, the newly established bell schedule will stay in place for the remainder of this 2020-2021 school year.
For more information, please visit