Phase 1 Reopening Rules for Missouri and Barry County extended
May 30, 2020
The Barry County Commission and the Barry County Health Department in alignment with Governor Parson’s
Show-Me Strong Recovery plan announced the extension of the Phase 1 rules until June 15, 2020.
At the Direction of the Governor, Phase 1 reopening orders and rules are in effect through June 15, 2020. The
rules allow businesses to remain open, while mitigating the potential spread of COVID-19 in Barry County. The
rules include requirements for physical distancing, maximum occupancy limits, and source control masking
requirements for some service providers.
In an effort to reopen additional businesses and reduce restrictions in Barry County, effective June 1, occupancy
limits apply only to retail establishments. Those maximum occupancies have been raised, and additional physical
distancing requirements for gymnasiums and athletic events have been removed. The state-mandated physical
distancing requirements of 6’ of separation remain in effect.
Citizens are encouraged to wear reusable, launderable cloth masks when in public places, to cover coughs, practice physical distancing, clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, and frequently wash hands. At risk individuals, including older adults, people with chronic lung conditions, cardiac disease, diabetes, and those who are immuno-compromised, should continue to limit non-essential travel.
COVID-19 symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. Symptoms include cough, shortness
of breath, or at least two of the following symptoms: fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain,
headache, sore throat, and/or new loss of taste or smell. Anyone with these symptoms should call their local
medical provider to seek testing and treatment. People who feel they might have the virus need to give health
care providers a warning so safety precautions can be taken before their arrival to help prevent the infection of
health care workers and others at the facility.
The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services is operating a hotline for residents and health care
providers to call for information and guidance about COVID-19. The statewide hotline number is 877-435-8411.
The hotline is being operated by medical professionals and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Barry County Missouri Health Department Phase 1 Extension Rules, June 1 - June 15, 2020
Pursuant to Section 192.300 RSMo and CSR 20-20.050(3), the Board of Trustees of the Barry County Health
Department are authorized and have promulgated orders intended to enhance the public health and
prevent the infectious, contagious, communicable, or dangerous diseases, such as the COVID-19 virus, in
the County.
The Barry County Health Department is authorized to promulgate such mandatory or advisory rules,
policies, and guidance as is necessary and appropriate to implement the Order. Mandatory rules and
policies so promulgated shall have the force of law to the greatest extent possible.
These rules are a phased community mitigation process that allows additional businesses to return to
modified operations while managing the likelihood COVID-19 spread in our community. If these rules
are not complied with or prove ineffective, we reserve the right to institute additional and more
stringent mandatory rules.
The Barry County Health Department pursuant to the Emergency Declarations of the Barry County Health
Department Broad of Trustees and the Missouri Department of Health and Human Services will carry out
and enforce these Orders by any legal means. The Barry County Health Department, upon notice of noncompliance
with these Orders may initiate legal action to seek a court judgement to ensure compliance.
Phase 1 Extension – Beginning June 1, 2020
All persons, organizations, and businesses
• Owners, operators, managers, organizers, employees and/or clergy are responsible for the
implementation, management, and compliance with these rules.
• Owners and organizers are responsible to ensure frequent cleaning of all surfaces, as directed by
the Barry County Health Department.
• Physical Distancing (separation of persons or groups by a minimum of 6 feet) is required, when
practical, at all times.
• Source Control masking (service providers/servers wearing a cloth or surgical style mask, laundered
between shifts) is required when providing personal services where physical
distancing is not practicable.
These services include, but are not limited to;
• Healthcare and Public Health service
• Veterinary care service
• Public Safety Services
• Mortuary Services
• Social Services
• Dine-in food and/or beverage service
• Tanning salons and services, nail services, spa type services, therapeutic
massage (unless under the care of a physician.)
• Hair cutting, styling, washing, or coloring services.
• Other types of non-physician dermatological services.
• Body decoration/modification services, including tattooing, piercing, branding,
scarification, shaping, implants, scalpeling, and painting.
All buildings open to the public and engaged in retail sales, are limited to a total number of
customers, users, or patrons equal to 25% of the total square footage of the building divided by
30 (e.g. 10,000 sq. ft. may have 83 customers.) Note: this number is exclusive of employees,
organizers, and individuals delivering products and providing services necessary to continued
• Individual groups of 10 people or less are permitted as long as 6’ of physical distance is
maintained between groups.
• Gatherings should be limited to the essential time necessary to complete the transaction,
business, or communication.
• Emergency Shelters, during emergency conditions, persons may enter shelter irrespective of the
10-person limit or the required physical distancing requirements. This is a short-term emergency
shelter to protect persons from an immediate threat, such as severe weather.
Businesses, organizations, and activities with additional considerations;
• Gymnasiums (unless operated by and at a medical facility), fitness centers, and health
clubs. – Minimum physical distancing of 6’ between individuals and maximum
occupancy must be maintained. Additionally, all equipment (such as; machines, racks,
cables and pulleys, barbells, weight plates, benches, bars, dumbbells, kettlebells, balls,
rollers, etc.) must be wiped with an appropriate antimicrobial solution that is allowed to
air dry between individual users.
• Athletic events, including, but not limited to, athletic leagues, games, tournaments,
practices, or other events that involve running or a brisk/fast pace (>3 mph) walking.
These activities no longer have additional physical distancing, and now must maintain
the minimum of 6’ of physical distancing.
• Childcare facilities, providing services to employees, managers, operators, and owners
of essential businesses, services, and activities.
• Stable groups of 10 or less, per appropriately- sized room, must be maintained.
• Stable groups are the same 10 or fewer children grouped together each
day. There should be no combining or splitting of groups, once
Frequently Asked Questions
• Why are we extending these rules in Barry County?
Barry County Officials had planned to move to Phase 2 reopening measures on June 1. Governor
Parson and Dr. Williams Director of Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services issued the
extension order that requires all local authorities to carry out these rules at a minimum.
• What is physical distancing?
Sometimes referred to as social distancing, it is the separation of non-related individuals by at least
6 feet in all directions. Our goal is to encourage social interactions and activities, while maintaining a
safe distance to avoid additional infections. Individual groups of 10 people or less are permitted as long as 6’ of physical distance is maintained between groups. This includes indoor dining and worship services.
• What about enhanced physical distancing requirements?
These restrictions have been removed effective June 1, in an effort to allow citizens to return more
routine summer activities. The aerodynamics of moving individuals and increased respiratory effort
creates an additional area of potential infection. Activities that involve running or a brisk/fast pace
(>3 mph) walking create an additional exposure risk to persons who are at a greater risk of
contracting COVID-19, those persons should exercise caution to limit that risk.
• What is an enhanced hygiene practice?
Surfaces that are frequently touched must be wiped with an appropriate antimicrobial solution that
is allowed to air dry between individual users. An easy way to do this is using a bleach solution (1/3
cup of bleach in 1 gallon of water) in a spray bottle, sprayed on the surface and not wiped.
• Why are masks required for some and recommended for all?
Our best strategy is to decrease the potential for people unknowingly infecting others. Source-control masking stops droplets from being expelled during breathing, coughing, sneezing, and talking. This is the best way for you to protect your friends, family, and neighbors when you are within 6’ of them. Since service providers/servers encounter a large number of persons during a workday they are required to wear a cloth or surgical style mask laundered between shifts, for your
protection. CDC Guidance on wearing and making cloth face masks (coverings):
• Can you explain the occupancy requirements?
Barry County has increased these occupancy requirements to allow local businesses to more fully
reopen. Buildings open to the public and engaged in retail sales, are limited to a total number of
customers, users, or patrons equal to 25% of the total square footage of the building divided by 30.
This number does not include employees, organizers, and individuals delivering products and
providing services necessary to continued operations. For example, if you have a 5000 sq. feet, single story building
(square footage of the entire building), you can divide 5000 by 30 = 167 multiplied by 0.25 = 42 customers, users, or patrons plus employees, organizers, and individuals delivering products. If you have a 3-story building and each story is 5000 sq. feet, you are allowed 42 customers, users, or patrons plus employees organizers, and individuals delivering products on each floor.
• The State Order allows for inside church services, can we hold inside services in Barry County?
Yes, Barry County Officials have modified the requirements for worship services. Places of worship
are no longer subject to occupancy limits, because they are not engaged in retail sales. Places of
worship must maintain 6’ of physical distance between groups of 10 or less and practice enhanced
hygiene. Common practices such as hand shaking, embraces, and any shared cups etc. should
continue to be avoided. If an organization operates a retail sales establishment, that retail establish does have maximum
occupancy requirements.
• Can private clubs and organizations have meetings and gatherings?
Yes, as long as the any applicable occupancy, physical distancing, and enhanced hygiene
requirements are observed.
• Can summer sports leagues begin playing games?
Yes, as long as standard physical distancing and enhanced hygiene requirements must be observed.
• What about yard sales and auctions, can those being operating?
Yes, outside yard sales and auctions must maintain the physical distancing requirements and
enhanced hygiene requirements. Inside auctions and “yard sales” must meet the occupancy,
physical distancing, and enhanced hygiene requirements.
• Are parks open?
Generally, parks are open to the public. However physical distancing and enhanced hygiene
requirements may necessitate certain park facilities and equipment, such as bathrooms and
playground equipment, to remain closed. Since most parks are operated by cities, those cities will
make the final decision on what park facilities can be opened in compliance with the extended
phase 1 rules.
The Barry County Commission and the Barry County Health Department in alignment with Governor Parson’s
Show-Me Strong Recovery plan announced the extension of the Phase 1 rules until June 15, 2020.
At the Direction of the Governor, Phase 1 reopening orders and rules are in effect through June 15, 2020. The
rules allow businesses to remain open, while mitigating the potential spread of COVID-19 in Barry County. The
rules include requirements for physical distancing, maximum occupancy limits, and source control masking
requirements for some service providers.
In an effort to reopen additional businesses and reduce restrictions in Barry County, effective June 1, occupancy
limits apply only to retail establishments. Those maximum occupancies have been raised, and additional physical
distancing requirements for gymnasiums and athletic events have been removed. The state-mandated physical
distancing requirements of 6’ of separation remain in effect.
Citizens are encouraged to wear reusable, launderable cloth masks when in public places, to cover coughs, practice physical distancing, clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, and frequently wash hands. At risk individuals, including older adults, people with chronic lung conditions, cardiac disease, diabetes, and those who are immuno-compromised, should continue to limit non-essential travel.
COVID-19 symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. Symptoms include cough, shortness
of breath, or at least two of the following symptoms: fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain,
headache, sore throat, and/or new loss of taste or smell. Anyone with these symptoms should call their local
medical provider to seek testing and treatment. People who feel they might have the virus need to give health
care providers a warning so safety precautions can be taken before their arrival to help prevent the infection of
health care workers and others at the facility.
The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services is operating a hotline for residents and health care
providers to call for information and guidance about COVID-19. The statewide hotline number is 877-435-8411.
The hotline is being operated by medical professionals and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Barry County Missouri Health Department Phase 1 Extension Rules, June 1 - June 15, 2020
Pursuant to Section 192.300 RSMo and CSR 20-20.050(3), the Board of Trustees of the Barry County Health
Department are authorized and have promulgated orders intended to enhance the public health and
prevent the infectious, contagious, communicable, or dangerous diseases, such as the COVID-19 virus, in
the County.
The Barry County Health Department is authorized to promulgate such mandatory or advisory rules,
policies, and guidance as is necessary and appropriate to implement the Order. Mandatory rules and
policies so promulgated shall have the force of law to the greatest extent possible.
These rules are a phased community mitigation process that allows additional businesses to return to
modified operations while managing the likelihood COVID-19 spread in our community. If these rules
are not complied with or prove ineffective, we reserve the right to institute additional and more
stringent mandatory rules.
The Barry County Health Department pursuant to the Emergency Declarations of the Barry County Health
Department Broad of Trustees and the Missouri Department of Health and Human Services will carry out
and enforce these Orders by any legal means. The Barry County Health Department, upon notice of noncompliance
with these Orders may initiate legal action to seek a court judgement to ensure compliance.
Phase 1 Extension – Beginning June 1, 2020
All persons, organizations, and businesses
• Owners, operators, managers, organizers, employees and/or clergy are responsible for the
implementation, management, and compliance with these rules.
• Owners and organizers are responsible to ensure frequent cleaning of all surfaces, as directed by
the Barry County Health Department.
• Physical Distancing (separation of persons or groups by a minimum of 6 feet) is required, when
practical, at all times.
• Source Control masking (service providers/servers wearing a cloth or surgical style mask, laundered
between shifts) is required when providing personal services where physical
distancing is not practicable.
These services include, but are not limited to;
• Healthcare and Public Health service
• Veterinary care service
• Public Safety Services
• Mortuary Services
• Social Services
• Dine-in food and/or beverage service
• Tanning salons and services, nail services, spa type services, therapeutic
massage (unless under the care of a physician.)
• Hair cutting, styling, washing, or coloring services.
• Other types of non-physician dermatological services.
• Body decoration/modification services, including tattooing, piercing, branding,
scarification, shaping, implants, scalpeling, and painting.
All buildings open to the public and engaged in retail sales, are limited to a total number of
customers, users, or patrons equal to 25% of the total square footage of the building divided by
30 (e.g. 10,000 sq. ft. may have 83 customers.) Note: this number is exclusive of employees,
organizers, and individuals delivering products and providing services necessary to continued
• Individual groups of 10 people or less are permitted as long as 6’ of physical distance is
maintained between groups.
• Gatherings should be limited to the essential time necessary to complete the transaction,
business, or communication.
• Emergency Shelters, during emergency conditions, persons may enter shelter irrespective of the
10-person limit or the required physical distancing requirements. This is a short-term emergency
shelter to protect persons from an immediate threat, such as severe weather.
Businesses, organizations, and activities with additional considerations;
• Gymnasiums (unless operated by and at a medical facility), fitness centers, and health
clubs. – Minimum physical distancing of 6’ between individuals and maximum
occupancy must be maintained. Additionally, all equipment (such as; machines, racks,
cables and pulleys, barbells, weight plates, benches, bars, dumbbells, kettlebells, balls,
rollers, etc.) must be wiped with an appropriate antimicrobial solution that is allowed to
air dry between individual users.
• Athletic events, including, but not limited to, athletic leagues, games, tournaments,
practices, or other events that involve running or a brisk/fast pace (>3 mph) walking.
These activities no longer have additional physical distancing, and now must maintain
the minimum of 6’ of physical distancing.
• Childcare facilities, providing services to employees, managers, operators, and owners
of essential businesses, services, and activities.
• Stable groups of 10 or less, per appropriately- sized room, must be maintained.
• Stable groups are the same 10 or fewer children grouped together each
day. There should be no combining or splitting of groups, once
Frequently Asked Questions
• Why are we extending these rules in Barry County?
Barry County Officials had planned to move to Phase 2 reopening measures on June 1. Governor
Parson and Dr. Williams Director of Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services issued the
extension order that requires all local authorities to carry out these rules at a minimum.
• What is physical distancing?
Sometimes referred to as social distancing, it is the separation of non-related individuals by at least
6 feet in all directions. Our goal is to encourage social interactions and activities, while maintaining a
safe distance to avoid additional infections. Individual groups of 10 people or less are permitted as long as 6’ of physical distance is maintained between groups. This includes indoor dining and worship services.
• What about enhanced physical distancing requirements?
These restrictions have been removed effective June 1, in an effort to allow citizens to return more
routine summer activities. The aerodynamics of moving individuals and increased respiratory effort
creates an additional area of potential infection. Activities that involve running or a brisk/fast pace
(>3 mph) walking create an additional exposure risk to persons who are at a greater risk of
contracting COVID-19, those persons should exercise caution to limit that risk.
• What is an enhanced hygiene practice?
Surfaces that are frequently touched must be wiped with an appropriate antimicrobial solution that
is allowed to air dry between individual users. An easy way to do this is using a bleach solution (1/3
cup of bleach in 1 gallon of water) in a spray bottle, sprayed on the surface and not wiped.
• Why are masks required for some and recommended for all?
Our best strategy is to decrease the potential for people unknowingly infecting others. Source-control masking stops droplets from being expelled during breathing, coughing, sneezing, and talking. This is the best way for you to protect your friends, family, and neighbors when you are within 6’ of them. Since service providers/servers encounter a large number of persons during a workday they are required to wear a cloth or surgical style mask laundered between shifts, for your
protection. CDC Guidance on wearing and making cloth face masks (coverings):
• Can you explain the occupancy requirements?
Barry County has increased these occupancy requirements to allow local businesses to more fully
reopen. Buildings open to the public and engaged in retail sales, are limited to a total number of
customers, users, or patrons equal to 25% of the total square footage of the building divided by 30.
This number does not include employees, organizers, and individuals delivering products and
providing services necessary to continued operations. For example, if you have a 5000 sq. feet, single story building
(square footage of the entire building), you can divide 5000 by 30 = 167 multiplied by 0.25 = 42 customers, users, or patrons plus employees, organizers, and individuals delivering products. If you have a 3-story building and each story is 5000 sq. feet, you are allowed 42 customers, users, or patrons plus employees organizers, and individuals delivering products on each floor.
• The State Order allows for inside church services, can we hold inside services in Barry County?
Yes, Barry County Officials have modified the requirements for worship services. Places of worship
are no longer subject to occupancy limits, because they are not engaged in retail sales. Places of
worship must maintain 6’ of physical distance between groups of 10 or less and practice enhanced
hygiene. Common practices such as hand shaking, embraces, and any shared cups etc. should
continue to be avoided. If an organization operates a retail sales establishment, that retail establish does have maximum
occupancy requirements.
• Can private clubs and organizations have meetings and gatherings?
Yes, as long as the any applicable occupancy, physical distancing, and enhanced hygiene
requirements are observed.
• Can summer sports leagues begin playing games?
Yes, as long as standard physical distancing and enhanced hygiene requirements must be observed.
• What about yard sales and auctions, can those being operating?
Yes, outside yard sales and auctions must maintain the physical distancing requirements and
enhanced hygiene requirements. Inside auctions and “yard sales” must meet the occupancy,
physical distancing, and enhanced hygiene requirements.
• Are parks open?
Generally, parks are open to the public. However physical distancing and enhanced hygiene
requirements may necessitate certain park facilities and equipment, such as bathrooms and
playground equipment, to remain closed. Since most parks are operated by cities, those cities will
make the final decision on what park facilities can be opened in compliance with the extended
phase 1 rules.